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2023 CZECH HOP CROP PDF Print E-mail

Czech hop harvest reached 6,997 metric tons

1st December 2023


According to the official report released by UKZUZ the total hop production in the Czech Republic reached 6,997 MT that was picked, dried and baled from the 4,860 hectars. This production is 57.2 % higher (by 2,545 tons) in comparison to a very low 2022 crop. The yield among the all varieties was calculated 1.44 MT per hectar.


The total production of Saaz variety was 5,331 tons (2,204 tons more compared to 2022 crop). This is 76 per cent share of total Czech hop production. The final yield of 1.31 t/ha was sligthly above 10-years average 1.19 t/ha. Saaz varietiy is still domination variety and the most grown fine aroma variety in the world with the acreage 4,063 hectars.


In 2023 the alpha acid content of the Saaz variety (average 2,6 per cent) was lower than the long-term average but other Czech hop varieties recorded values around the long-term average or in some varieties above it.


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Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops PDF Print E-mail

Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops


has incribed


on the UNESCO World Heritage List


Riyadh, Žatec, 18th September, 2023


On Monday, September 18, 2023, at a meeting of the World Heritage Committee held in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it was decided to inscribe the hop landscape and the town of Žatec, its center, on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Czech delegation, led by Jirina Valentová, the permanent representative of the Czech Republic at UNESCO, included Dita Limova, head of the Unit for Relations with UNESCO from the Ministry of Culture, Monika Eretová from the Ministry of Culture and representatives of the Directorate General of the National Heritage Institute, Director General Nadezda Goryczkova and Vera Kucova from the Unit of Heritage with International Status. The Steering Group of the nominated property was represented by Zdenka Hamousova and Zdenek Rosa from CHMELARSTVI, cooperative Zatec, who is also the vice-chair of the Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic, and Olga Bukovicova for the Town of Žatec, where she works as a coordinator for the World Heritage.


For the Czech Republic, this means the seventeenth consecutive successful inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List. At the same time, it is the first hop growing landscape in the world to receive this prestigious status.


Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops is situated in the north-western part of the Czech Republic in a location that provides ideal conditions for growing hops, a central aroma ingredient in beer brewing. It consists of two component parts that together illustrate the entire cycle of cultivating, processing and trading the world’s most renowned variety of hops.


The Saaz Hop Landscape consists of rural hop fields and the small villages of Stekník and Trnovany. The second component part is Žatec that consists of the historic urban centre of the town of Žatec and its industrial part "Pražské předměstí" - the Prague Suburb form 19th century.


The inscription was also welcomed by representatives of hop growers. Lubos Hejda, Chairman of Board of the Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic, spoke for all of them: "We welcome the decision of the Committee, which appreciated the preserved heritage assets connected with the growing and processing of Saaz hop variety, the best quality fine aroma hop variety grown in the Czech Republic."


For more information have a look at the Press Release here


The website of the property:



The official incription on the website of UNESCO:




The Extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, discussed the nomination of the Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops



Czech delegation at the Extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, from left Z. Rosa (Vice-chair of the Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic)



The press conference was held to sucessful incription of the Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops on UNESCO World Heritage List, from left L. Hejda, Chairman of the Board of the Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic, and vice-mayor, mayor, vice-mayor of the Town of Žatec and director of Temple of Hops and Beer




2022 CZECH HOP CROP PDF Print E-mail

Czech hop harvest reached 4 453 metric tons


ÚKZÚZ (Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture) has released the 2022 hop crop figures. The very poor harvest was thus confirmed officially.


Czech hop growers picked total 4 452,43 metric tons of dry hops. It is an yield across the all varieties only 0.90 tons per hectar.


2022 crop was 46,4 per cent or 3 854 metric tons of hops down in comparison to record-breaking year ago. 2012-2021 average yield has been 1.30 metric tons per hectar.

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